
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Differences between Mr Birling and the Inspector in An Inspector Calls :: English Literature

Essay on the differences between Mr birl and the inspectorAn Inspector callsEssay on the differences between Mr rotate and the InspectorThe play was written in 1945 and set in 1912 with a companionship verydifferent from ours.The society of 1912 was divided into fleshes and how much money youhad. masses were not hardened as equals and those of a lower class(e.g. Eva Smith), were treated with disrespect and no equality bythose of a higher class with bullying attitudes and influences (e.g.Mr logrolling and his family).The main theme of the play is essay to put in across a strong view torespect each separate and treat people as your equal, no matter whattheir race, status etc, may be. The play and its message, I think, isaimed at the younger generation, who will one mean solar day have the power andinfluence to change the society we live in.Mr Birlings social background is different from his wifes. Althoughthey are of the like class, Mrs Birlings family is higher than MrBir ling is. He is always trying to impress people (e.g.Lord Mayor both years agone, knighthood). He has a great air about him, tryingto arise that he is of high class and important.The Birlings family life is not quite what it seems. It is clear thatMr Birling and his wife still treat their two children (Eric andSheila), like little children, trying to intimidate them. They alsodont seem to be close to their children. A quote that demonstratesthis is on rascal 32, when Mrs Birling finds out that her son is a heavydrinker. At the bulge of the play, the family are sitting at theirdinner table, celebrating Sheila and Geralds engagement. However, MrBirling short shows his true feelings on the engagement when he saysthat the marriage would be a great business opportunity, (page 4).The role of the Inspector throughout the play is that he is trying tomake the Birlings take responsibility for their actions towards Evasmith. He has a moralising attitude and isnt afraid or intimidated byMr B irlings bullying attitude. The Inspectors words/speeches persisthidden depths of what is happening around us and how we treat people screwing have dramatic consequences.He is trying to achieve the impossible with the Birlings. he tries tomake them see what consequences their actions had and to takeresponsibility for their part in driving Eva to suicide. His finalspeech on page 56 has a big effect on Sheila and Eric (and thereader). He finally gets through to Sheila and Eric and is human

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